
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas morning

Christmas morning...I was so excited to wake Alyssa up and show her that Santa had visited. I wanted to show her the gifts santa had left for us!

Alyssa got a shopping cart!

Alyssa got drums... and she can rock!!!

I also got drums, so we have a rock band now!

Alyssa also got a buggie car...before she even unwrapped it all she was climbing in the car...gasping for air..she was so excited!

I got walkie talkies, now dad and I can play around the house with them. My big gift from santa was a skateboard (scooter). Mom didnt get a picture but we got it on video. I was so excited!!! I have been riding it ever since in the house and outside...whereever I can!!! I got all type of tricks too!!! I can jump with it now also,... so mom is making me wear a helmet..due to my tricks!

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