1st Doctor Visit
This is Landen's Doctor, Dr. McKenna. She is very sweet. She came to see Landen in the hospital every morning. Well, his first doctor visit didn't go as well as we hoped. Landen had lost a pound. Dr. McKenna was concerned about his weight. She was hoping that we would have it back up to his birth weight in a couple of days. We came back for a second visit 4 days later, hoping he had gained some weight. He didnt gain enough, so we had to come back in a week. The worst part is, Landen was sleeping through the night since he came home from the hospital. We weren't allowed to do that anymore till his weight was back up. He had to eat every two hours, meaning I had to wake him up for feedings at night, what a struggle! Lucky a week later he had gained a pound and Dr. McKenna was happy with his weight.