
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

1st food tasting

Wednesday, September 23, 2007

Today, I did my first food shopping. Since Dr. McKenna said that I can start eating rice cereal and juices. I had to also buy some spoons and bowls. I believe I am all set now.
Here I am in my highchair. This is a pretty big chair. Now where's the food?

First bite: That wasn't formula! Once I got the hang of it, it was quite tasty. I had apple rice cereal with apple juice.

Play time

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I enoy my ExerSaucer, I am now bouncing and turning all around in it. It is so cool it lights up and plays lots of music.

Bath Time!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

" Don't ya wish your boyfriend was 'hot' like me? Don't ya! "

I sure do like my bath time but since I am getting so TALL. I am also getting to big for my "baby" tub. Mom and dad are looking for a "big boy" bath seat for me to start using, this way my feet wouldn't hang out of the tub. I like it though, this way I can kick it and make noises. Sometimes I even get mommy wet when I kick a big splash!!! That's funny!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

4 Month Check-up!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Well, Today I went to the doctors for my "4" month check up. The doctor said that I am in great health. I weigh 14lb 11oz. which put me in the 75% tile for boys my age. For my height, I was in the 90% tile. I am 26 inches long. (So in four months I have grown 6 inches) Yes, I am a tall boy!!! Sadly to say I had to have "3" shots yesterday in my legs. Yes, three... can you believe it? I can't believe that they would poke a little boy, like myself that many times. I know your thinking, how mean. But they are very nice there to me. They always comment on how cute I am. Daddy felt bad for me so he took me to get a toy, I got the Elmo TMX doll. He is giggly!!! Now I don't have to go back till I am 6months. Oh yes, Dr. McKenna said that I can start eating rice cereal and drink some juices, COOL! I am getting tired of that formula all the time!!! Time to spice it up and "NO" Grandpa Fred that doesn't mean that I can have pizza and beer!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Monday, September 24, 2007

Here I am snuggled in mom and dad's bed in the morning. I have been waking up at about 5:30 but mom brings me back into her bed and I am sound to sleep til 7 or 8. I like sleeping in there, snuggling with her. Mom enjoys it too, but she does tell me that this can't happen everyday. We don't want any bad habits, whatever those are!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Michelle and Luis

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Michelle and Luis are my buddies. Michelle and the babies are doing great!

Monday, September 17, 2007

1st Camping Trip

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My first camping trip up at the Rim. This was different I went from being hot to being all bundled up. It was about 75 degrees during the day and got down to 38-40 degrees at night. Mom and dad would bundle me all up and we would take a walk along the lake and rim. It was beautiful.

I really enjoyed the fires. It was bright and colorful!!! It made me giggle allot. Mom says that she can't wait for me to get older and we can roast marshmallows. What are those?

This is a picture we took as we were walking along the rim. Beautiful view!

My Daddy was keeping me warm, all snuggled up in the blanket. As we sat next to the fire in the morning. I really enjoyed camping. When is the next trip?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Family Pictures

Saturday, September 8, 2007

It's about time we get a family photo.
This is my cousins Matt and Emma.
Matthew was trying to hold us all together for this picture but I didnt want to sit up and Emma just didnt want to be there. Aunt Keri and mom said it was a chore to get a picture of the three of us. They were trying to get a picture of all the grand kids for Nana and Pop pop for Grandparents Day.
I wonder why I am laying in the grass? HMMM..can I eat this stuff?
Mommy, Aunt Keri, Matt and Emma
I think Matt was thinking, it's time to go!

Mommy, Daddy and I

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My New Toy

Monday, September 3, 2007

Daddy bought me a new toy today. I am not sure who had more fun at the toy store, Daddy or me. Daddy was checking out or I must say playing with all the different toys. He found this really cool car one. I am having a blast with it. I'm like a professional speed racer. On you mark...Get set.......GOOOOO!
Thanks DAD!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Crib!!!

Saturday,September 2, 2007

Well, this is the first night sleeping in my crib, in my own room. Mommy thinks it's too far away, she liked having me next to her bedside. I like to move around allot in my sleep and my bassinet was just not giving me the room I needed. But daddy bought some video monitors so the can keep a close eye on me while I'm sleeping. I'll have to watch for those video monitors when I get older! Well, I slept like a baby, I guess I am still a baby. As most would say I slept better than a baby. I am still sleeping through the night. My bed time is about 9pm and I tend to wake up at 6:30 to 7. Not bad, Mom and Dad are very proud of me!!!

Swimming at Harrah's

Saturday, September 2, 2007

I love my new Crab float!

I am hanging out with my dad and pop pop. They are using my float as a Corona holder. They say I must have a Corona in hand to hang with the gang.

Pop pop was taking me for a swim around the pool at Harrah's. Pop pop had these really cool glasses on with a mirror finish. He thinks I was looking at him but really I was checking myself out. I am good looking, I must say!

Time to get a tan in.

Boy, am I tired.