
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

Family Pictures

We had family pictures done today at target!
Here are a few of them.

Mommy and Daddy love this one!

Ms. Alyssa... she really wasnt in to looking at the camera... but they were able to get a few of her looking!

We had alot of fun... the people were silly!!!

Mommy, ALyssa and I

Funny shot of me here, with my eyes!

Daddy, Alyssa and I

Silly Alyssa

I love my sister!!!

This is our favorite!!!

Just chillin'

It was so nice to have Ava and Sienna back today. Ava and I are just chillin' watching the movie "UP" what a great movie. This is the first movie I sat through the whole thing!!

We also decorated snowmen, here is mine I decorated!!

Here is Ava's, she decorated!! Very cute!!

Flying a kite

Today was windy!! We decided to try flying our kite! First mom and I were running up and down the block flying the kite very succusful. We then though about going over to the park.

We had so much fun, here I am tired from running all over the place but at the moment my kite is staying in the air!!! This was so cool!!!

Enjoying the campfire

We brought pizza over nana and pop pop's house. After dinner we played outside by the fire and roasted marshmallows.
Alyssa was amazed by the fire!

I enjoyed riding Emma's scooter.... I know what I am going to be asking Santa for this year!!!

Here I am roasting a marshmallow on a stick with pop pop!

Oh Well we burnt it a little but still was yummy!

Here we are going for a ride! Thanks Nana and Pop Pop for having us over it was alot of fun!

coin operated car

Daddy brought home this coin operated car.... it is so much fun!!! We can't get enough of it!!

Daddy is planning on resaling it. When he brought it home it didnt work but now it is in mint condition and works prefectly!!!

Thanksgiving 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!! We help Thanksgiving at our house, 22 people. We cooked three turkeys...two on the smoker and on in the over. They came out great! It was wonderful having everyone over.

Uncle Andy was showing ALyssa how to ride the mini go-cart.

She was so proud when we figured it out! So watch out now she is on the run!

We were having a blast...Matt was driving us around like a crazy-man!!! Emma almost fell out several times!!!

Aunt Ginny and Aunt Keri... it is always so nice to have them over!

Mommy and Aunt Keri!!!

Here is some of the gang relaxing after a full belly of food!!!

Taking Alyssa for a ride!

Here I am giving my sister a ride in the box, she loves this!! I am being a good big brother, but also wondering when will she be able to give me a ride??? "Pay backs, someday"

Daddy always gives us piggy back rides we love those too!

Christmas Tree

We didnt take very many pictures of the tree decorating but we did get to help with the bottom of the tree. All the plastic ornaments are on the bottom. I would put them on and Alyssa would take them off!! Frustrating for me!

Alyssa would alywas say, "What!"

Making turkey cookies

We were decorating turkey cookies. Mom gave us some candy, and different color frosting to design our own turkeys!

We were concentrating very hard!

My finished project... cool turkey, right? Now I am going to eat it!!!

Ava's trukey was cool too!!! We just wanted mom to take the picture so we could eat them!!!

Mom helped Alyssa and Sienna with their turkeys. Alyssa couldnt get her hands on it fast enough!

Sienna couldnt understand why she had to wait either!! Alyssa and Sienna loved their cookies, to bad we didnt get any after shots of them. It was messy!

Making name braclets

Today we made braclets with our names on them. It was alot of fun but alot of work. Here is Ava working hard at her braclet!

She was proud of her finished project, it was really cute!

Here I am working hard as well.

I was also proud of mine.... what do I do with it now? Well I have to say Alyssa likes to chew on it or wear it!! We should make her one of her own!!

Alyssa and Sienna

ALyssa and Sienna are cute together, they are like best friends. They like to stand by the front door and talk in their own language. They even laugh about stuff, we have no idea what!!! It is so cute though!! They also like pointing at the cat as it walks by.

Soapy Bathtime

We love taking BUBBLE baths, as you can see! We get all bubbled up!!! It is a bubbly sight!

Fridge Magnet

Ms. Alyssa is getting so big.

She loves playing with her farm animal fridge magnet. She is getting very good at it as well. This thing is a blessing, it allows mom to make dinner while she plays! Otherwise mom is trying to cook and hold her!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Alyssa's tough day!

Miss. Alyssa has been having a rough day today!!! First of all she has four teeth breaking through the gums as we speak! She had her teeth cleaned at the dentist yesterday. The dentist asked if she has been chewing on everything, and mom said no. Well today she tried to take a bit out of Ava. She got into alot of trouble for that!

Alyssa was very cranky today, we are not sure what was bothering her... her teeth or just being cranky!
Miss. Sienna was trying to tell her it was ok.

What a good friend, Sienna gave Alyssa a kiss and made it all better.

I like making my mom happy!