
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween this year was the best. I was super pumped about it and Alyssa was as well. We yelled "TRICK OR TREAT" as loud as we could at everyones door... along with saying thank you everytime after getting a piece of candy. We were told by everyone that we had great manners!

Alyssa was Cinderella

Emma was a Unicorn

It was alot of fun we went to Nana and Pop pops house where Matthew and Emma were as well. We love them and going things with them. Matthew was a PRO football player!

This one house had tons of scary things.... this man jumped up from the ground... at first I couldnt figure it out but then it became funny to me! Alyssa didnt like it!

Next house!!!!! Hurry everyone

Nana and us

Aunt Ginny also came to watch us go trick or treating... it is always nice seeing her!

Jeff alsoo came to watch us

Aunt Keri, Alyssa and Emma

Uncle Andy and Aunt Ginny

We think Pop pop was over dosed on Candy

My family

Mommy and Aunt Keri

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