
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Here I am at 10months. I am growing fast, as everyone says. I weigh 18lbs and 9ozs, 30 inches long. I am trying alot of new foods. Mainly off my parents plates, the food that on their plates is nothing like the food that is in my bowl. What's that all about? I got my first tooth on the bottom and another is on it's way. That wasn't to bad. I have some new words in my vocabulary now, I can say... "dad, mom, yea, uh-oh, nana." I am standing on my own!!! I am thinking about taking that first step but just not so sure. I go to take it and then decide it just might be safer to sit and crawl. Soon... It will happen. The doctor wants me off the bottle at 12months, so she suggested to get some new cups with straws. I got some but for now I like chewing on the straws. I will get the hang of it along with the walking.

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