
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Landen's big News

Well mom will have to post a picture of me in my new underpants later, since I am so proud of them! Yes, thats right no more diapers during the day! I went TWO days with out any accidents!! I earned every M&M these past two days. So we will see how the next week goes, seeing if I get distracted with my friends here all day. But over all I have done very good. I let mom and dad know when I have to go. It is a good feeling!!! Mommy and daddy are very happy!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Alyssa and Luke

This is Luke, he is a month younger than Alyssa. He is running around everywhere. Mom was hoping that she would learning something from him.

They are playing blocks together so nicely! Alyssa at first wasn't so sure what to think.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just having some fun

ALyssa now likes to drink out of her sippy cup! She is getting so big!

Here I am playing on the floor with my buddy, Tanner. We were pretty much wiped out from running around the house with our trucks, racing them!

Here we are finger painting.

Addyson and Abigail joined us for the fun.

Ava and Tanner were making cool pictures as well.

Here we are, Ava, Tanner and I. Mom made us a tent and we had a disco light in there. It was really cool.

Alyssa thinks she is cool that she can climb up on this chair and turn around to sit down. She is a climber, worse than myself... mom says!

Here is our princess.....RRRRRAAAA!!

Cheese! Now there is our pretty girl! Alyssa loves playing in the tunnel of the playhouse!

Here Alyssa and I are having fun in the playroom. We enjoy rocking on our horses.

Alyssa loves dancing with daddy and listening to his new 1951 jukebox.

Pictures from PIcture

Here are some great pictures from Nana and Pop pop's camera. Thanks for the pictures!

Alyssa looks scared to be sitting next to me! The next picture will explain my face more!

How I love my sister!!!

Here I am showing off my muscles at the pool down at Harrah's.

Alyssa loves playing with mommy cell phone!

Pop pop and Alyssa. Alyssa was only 6 months old. This was taken at Easter. Nana and Pop pop date on their camera is off a little!!

Here we are down at Harrah's swimming in the pool. Pop pop bought me a strawberry daiquiri, virgin of course! I was nice enough to share it with ALyssa and boy oh boy did she suck that thing down. By looking at her face you can tell she attacked the whip cream!!!

Here are my favorite cousins, well my only ones too. It was Matthews first day of first grade and Emma started preschool!! They are getting so big!

Here is my loving sister!!! She is waiting to go swimming and thinks she is going to go in this car seat but she is to big for it. She has a big girl carseat now like mine!

What mom has been up to!

First thing first, here is what we have been up to. By the time our friends leave from our busy day. We are sometimes both so wipped out to even eat dinner! Mom says this is RARE that we are both sleeping at the same time.

Mom has gone BOW CRAZY!!! Here is some bows she made for Emma. ALyssa's bows are alot smaller.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Friends and I

My friends and I are off to the park early in the morning to beat the heat.

I was showing them how to climb the rock.

Then the rock wall, yes... I was showing off!

How cute, look at the girls. Alyssa likes Ava.

Here is a silly group! We are buddies.

San Diego

We spent a day at the beach while visiting Aunt Donna.

Here is Nana, Aunt Donna and Alyssa.

Aunt Donna and Nana had it all set up for me so I can play in the sand with some shade. I couldn't get enough of this. I didn't even stop for lunch, I was having to much fun playing in the sand.

Here is we are playing in the water! This water tasted gross!!!

Where are you going, ALyssa? She was trying to get away to see if she could get some more sand in her mouth before mom caught her!!!

It was so nice out!

We missed dad, we wish he could have came and joined the fun. He had to work!
Next time!!!

Wow look at my castle! Hurry mom get a picture before Alyssa tackles it!

Look at Alyssa's hair, the wind is giving her a mohawk!

Look at all Alyssa's teeth now! Beware she bits!!!