
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Camping with Grandma and Grandpa

Well we finally got to go camping with Grandma and Grandpa! We had a blast! Hope to have the come along more offen! Grandma and Dad!

Grandma and Grandpa made this great breakfast for us!

We enjoyed playing Legos while mom cooked!

Alyssa loved snuggling in the hammock!

What a HAM!!!

We got all cozy around the fire.

Theres Grandma and Grandpas airstream! Pretty cool inside!

Grandma and Alyssa

Grandpa and I

Dad built his famous Oven and is cooking a full Ham in there along with potatoes!

Grandma and Grandpa on the Rim

wooohhhh... we collected alot of wood for tonight! Dad said this should be good for ONE fire! Lots more collecting to do I guess!

Alyssa and I singing away in the hammock as mom pushes us!

There was icicles hanging from our camper....


Grandma made us smiley face pancakes! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for coming!

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