
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gilbert Days Parade

Today we went to the Gilbert Days Parade. Aunt Keri, Matthew and Emma meet us there. Aunt Keri got us a great spot on the road no one in front of us.

Matthew thought he was the king of the world! I thought he was so funny!

We both were playing in the rocks and sliding down the hill. Mom was wondering why she gave me a bath this morning. I was thinking the same thing! It kept us busy while waiting for the parade to start.

Alyssa was all cozy in her car seat, sleeping.... like always!

Here's the crew!

Emma got a flower from someone in the parade. Aunt Keri put it in her hair...Emma wasn't to sure about that.

Dad and I are watching people go by in the parade. I like the bands...I danced as they past us.

Mom and Alyssa also enjoyed the parade. It was alot of fun but I will say it was tooooo LONG!!! I was falling asleep towards the end of it, and before you knew it, in the car I was out!

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