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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Alyssa's one year check up

Well there I am snoozing on the table but my sister had to have her one year check-up. She did great! She weighs 18.1 lbs (15 % tile), so that means she can't turn her car seat around yet. Her height is 29 inches (45% tile). She also has a tiny head, 17.5 inches (25% tile). She is walking all over the place and doing very well keeping up with me. I can't take a toy and run anymore, because she is coming right after me now! She had to have four shots for her yearly, and then mommy made us get our flu shots so that added one more for Alyssa. Then I got one too!!! I wasnt to happy about that but I had to be the big brother and show Alyssa that is was ok! (YEAH RIGHT!) So it was all good news and we dont have to go back until ALyssa is 15 months unless something goes wrong!

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