
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, June 1, 2009


OK this is where our trip started at McDonald's. Mom and Dad stopped in to get me something to eat. At the same time our car was giving us some trouble. We hate car trouble! Dad decided to take a look at the car and see if he can fix it. Well the job ended up being a two hour job, as he was changing all the fluids. So mom has to keep us entertained at McDonalds for two hours. Thank god there was a play gym there. But we still went to Disneyland and the beach.

Mommy and I went on the Dumbo ride.

Alyssa and mommy on the rides

We all went on the train.

We got our picture with goofy.

I like driving the cars.

Nap time!!! We got to the park at 8am and stayed all day, left at 9:45.

Mommy and I, we were waiting in line to go on the rides.

We went on the ferris wheel, that was my favorite. It rocked back and forth ALOT!!

Here I am saving my spot for the parade!!

We got to see Disney playhouse... with Handy Manny. I was so AMAZED

Alyssa likes checking out all the people!

Here we are watching the parade.

Here is Woody...

And MIckey and Minnie too.. they were all there. It was alot of fun. We were all dancing and clapping it was one big party parade.

I got to play the drums in the parade.

This is after we rode the Winnie the Pooh ride,

Alyssa had a great time!

This was my Mickey birthday hat. Everyone knew it was my birthday and would come up to me and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" it was so neat.

I had a blast at Disneyland and I can't wait to go back next year!!!

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